Sunday, 27 January 2019

January 2019 - A week in Wang I

You know what they say about mad dogs and Englishman - well add crazy fossickers to that! There we were squatting in the sun panning and sieving in Reedy Creek not so far from Eldorado. Talking of Eldorado, there’s an interesting old dredge there which when it was built in 1936 was the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere. From then until it ceased to operate in 1954, it recovered 2.2 tonnes of gold. That’s a lot of gold! But what did we find panning in the creek? Hmmm well.... lots of pretty quartz - smoky, a piece I would say had a little rose in it, tiny birds-egg quartz stones polished by the river, pink granite and other things yet to be identified. I saw a fleck or two of gold in my pan but attempts to extract them ...... poof, gone! It was a lovely place - but it would be far lovelier if it had been cooler!!! But it was a good time to acclimatise before we head NW to near the border of Qld, SA and NSW - the really hot spots. Crazy! did I hear someone say? 

Isn’t this astonishing!?  Look at the variety of form, pattern and colour. So beautiful
This is the owner of that beauty. Poor creature was caught in the car grill. I rescued it but sadly the poor creature was mortally wounded
Buckets of gold! This is the dredge at Eldorado built in 1936
Kangaroo Crossing on Reedy Creek. Beautiful spot. 
So what have we here? Lots of quartz - mostly. 

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