Saturday, 26 September 2020

Sept 9 Glen Nayook - peace and tranquility

Totally silent we were dwarfed by the towering Mountain Ash most of which were quite young and were yet to reach the full height. Amazing plants.

The Tarago River gives up a lot - including  its delicious cheeses! We have traced along its length enjoying the lushness of its surround. Glen Nayook Reserve is one such place in this gorgeous (literally) area. It is a delight with a beautiful crystal stream, the Little Tarago River, gurgling and burbling its way though a tree-fern lined gully watched by towering remnants of a Mountain Ash and other cool temperate rainforest trees.

The path we took plunged down very steeply - and quite precariously, into the gully. Long woody vines hung from the trees, ferns brushed our legs and towered above us everywhere, trees and  bushes festooned with tiny flowers crowded around us. Most I couldn’t identify but that made little difference to me, nameless they were just as beautiful. 

Huge ancient granite bolders dot the descent. Dot is perhaps the wrong word to describe these monoliths.

The stream flowed quite rapidly between huge granite holders which had fallen into stream 1000s of years ago forcing the stream to run underground in places. 

The moss has grown over wood and shelf fungi creating intriguing shapes. I’m sure there were wood sprites behind some of the huge knobbly mossy trunks. Some of the boles reminded me of the magnificent trees of the WA Tingle forests.

Ferns of all sizes from the tall tree ferns down to the small epiphytes growing on tree ferns.

This fungus looked like it was reaching out webbed claws to grab at you. Weird

Sweet little pea flowers 

I love these wee scraps of perfection.

It’s a walk worth doing - providing you can manage the steep bits but I recommend you take a walking pole with you and take the steep bit first, coming back up is a gentler climb. The loop is only a couple of Km so quite manageable. Me? I managed with the help of my fall guy at some tight steep turns (there are few guide rails). 

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