Sunday, 12 July 2020

Packed to the gunnels!

The caravan and car freezer are packed to the gunnels with tasty morsels enough to last us for a month or more - and beyond. You just never know when and where you get held up!! So along with frozen vegetables and loads of homemade bikkies, we have prepare and packed .......

Loads of cheese including this from age a pate onctueuse, the creamiest you’re ever likely to taste- yum!

A parcel of pies. Rich beef and double onion, spicy lamb murtubak (my pie version - with egg of course) and old-style Egg and bacon pies. 

Pork and veal terrine with pistachios 

Cornish rolls (in the background) - sausage rolls with a tasty twist. Bread - we ate this loaf hut have packed the makings for our DreamPot or camp oven.

Roasted eggplant for ....

Smoky baba ghanoush

Armfuls of fresh herbs from our garden plus baby radishes both white and red. 

We were encouraged, by someone I don’t recall who, to buy and eat passionfruit so we did. And froze dozens now packed in our freezer  

Passionfruit along with oranges, lemons and limes as well as little Lady Finger bananas are all in the freezer (with mixed berries) for when we cross the multiple fruit fly borders - eventually!!

My trial ‘trail mix’ - roasted seeds and nuts with a selection of dried fruits plus ginger and citrus peel. Tastes OK. 

Some of the recipes are on my food blog but if not and you’re interested simply contact me. Bon appetite and Bon voyage - if and when ....... Stay well. 

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