Thursday, 26 March 2020

March 2 Macquarie Island a penguin paradise

“Hi” .... we were greeted as we sloshed in to shore in the zodiac. I couldn’t get my camera up quickly enough - nearly tripped over in the water in my excitement. The penguins clustered around us and walked with us up the beach. It was almost overwhelming!

He tried a smile but this was the best he could do. Just look at those colours and the little drops of water on his feathers. They keep their feathers waterproof by slicking them with oil from a gland near their tail.

Handsome guys!

These two are spooning!

Check out the fuzzy brown chicks.

The old field hut no longer used I believe. This was the beginning of one of the King penguin colonies and off limits to us.

Words are not necessary!

You will have guessed I loved these beautiful birds, The colours are stunning and their personalities delightful,

Quite a few courting couples.

This is Marsa and her retinue. She sat quietly for ages and they grouped around her. I reckoned they were interested in her hat which looked like a fluffy brown chick.
Marsa held out her hat and this chap started to preen it... Wow!! And then obviously accepted as one of theirs, more crowded around to pick at her - preening her. It was quite moving to watch.

A little Gentoo. So small after the majestic King and Emperors.

How do you like my profile?

Macquarie Island is home to 200,000 pairs of King, 3,000,000 Royal as well as Rockhopper and Gentoo. We spent a magic wonder-filled morning ashore! 3-4 hours to simply wander to our hearts content, providing we kept inside the limits: a creek one end and about 1 km north along the beach, the King penguin colony! There were a number of penguins moulting and we had to keep our distance from them as well as the adorable fluffy brown chicks.

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